

Welcome to my little corner on the world wide web. I wanted to create a space where I could talk about the things I'm most passionate about. Here I'll share webdesign stories, programming nightmares, life issues, but also home decor and maybe a little fashion? I shall see, it will basically be about the things I love doing and nothing else. You can't put people in a box, so why put a blog in a box? All I can hope is that this blog inspires you in a way that other blogs can't. 


My name is Cassandra, I'm 18 years old and I live in Belgium. I'm a senior Informatics Management in high school. I've always had a thing for creating stuff, when I was little I ran around with a fake video camera trying to capture moments, even though it wasn't real it felt real enough for me. When my parents first bought a computer, I fell in love. At that time I only used it for playing games, but still a love story had begun. I always made these little websites, but I couldn't maintain the site because I knew nothing about websites even though I wanted one. In 2011 I started a fashion and beauty blog, still not the best one on the net but it loved doing it. But my interest in fashion and beauty faded so I stopped. It's been a while since I've written something on the net, except for social media of course. As of the 17th of July 2015 this blog exists and I hope I'll keep it updated for a while.